A Little Bit Of Venting To Clear My Head

Did I tell you guys already that I’m taking 18 credits this semester?  True story.  I’ve done this once before, two years ago, but at that time zero of those credits included labs.  This time I have 7 hours of lab time per week.  Ugh.  Those numbers are sounding pretty gruesome to me right now.

So I’m sitting here, at Terry’s office (in the hopes that less distraction will equal more homework getting done), and feeling pretty burned out and frustrated.  Let me tell you, that is not a feeling I like as I stare at an approaching week!

I have a few choice thoughts running through my head regarding my classes, and as I have vowed to myself to clear my head by writing rather than choosing a destructive escape route, I will be spilling them here henceforth.

To my Microbiology class:

I do not understand your purpose.  I get that some people may enjoy the exploration of itty bitty bacteria that can’t even be seen, but I am not of that particular breed.  Your endless microscope looking gives me headaches, and the drawing of the dots and squiggles I see through your lens is not helping me to learn.  At all.  Also, I do not enjoy the prospect of assembling your lab portfolio folder.

To my Bio-Organic Chem class:

SO not a fan.  Even on the best of days, chemistry is sincerely not for me.

To my Management in Dietetics  class:

I do not understand your writing assignment, and at this moment you’re causing me the largest amount of grief.  Open-ended assignments are hard for me.  Waah.  The good news for you, Management, is that my frustrating will be fleeting because I genuinely like you.

To my Human Genetics and Human Nutrition classes:

Tonight, you escape my venting.  Thanks for being you.

Oh, and by the way?  I have to be in Green Bay, in a classroom, taking an exam, by 7:30 tomorrow morning.

Pity party for one?  I’ll bring the whine…